Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Look Back At Four Women

I'm closing my current run of looks back at models I've previously featured on this blog with memories of the first four models I became fans of (even though it took me forever to learn their names!) when I started to take an interest in the modeling profession.  Four women for today, Leap Day, which occurs once every four years.

Margrit Ramme was the first model to ever catch my attention, as I repeatedly like to point out, when I saw her in a newspaper ad from a department store.  The photo below is from the same time - 1979 - and is taken from an Avon catalog.  It accentuates her wavy blonde hair and her engaging smile. 

Katie Easton was another model who caught my attention at that time, and I remember her for her striking look.  Which is ironic, because, even though she does have a striking face, she was more in demand as a hand model.  Fortunately, she capitalized on her beautiful face as well as her beautiful hands.  In the 1984 photo below, she assumes a pose emphasizing both. :-)

Anna Anderson was hard not to notice in the late seventies and early eighties.  She radiated blondeness beyond compare, and even though there was something sexy about her when she wore her hair back in a bun, I prefer her with her long locks unfurled.  And when she complemented her long flowing hair with a strapless black dress, as she does in this ad for Drambuie liqueur, you get a sensation no drink can give you! :-D 

Kathy Davis, of course, was one of the top models of the late seventies mainly because of the blonde hair, which got her modeling assignments for hair-car products.  It was a 1979 Body On Tap shampoo ad that introduced me to Ms. Davis,  but she was already a well-seasoned hair-care model by then.  The hair-dryer ad Ms. Davis appears in below is from 1975.

Full disclosure require me to state in this space that Margrit Ramme and Kathy Davis are two of my friends from the modeling profession thanks to Facebook and Instagram, and I love them dearly. :-) 

Now that this slightly longer February is done, I am resuming new subjects for March - specifically, a new "Beauty of Song" series.  Stay tuned. 

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