Sunday, March 1, 2020

New Series: The Beauty of Song, Part Seven!

I'm coming in like a lion for March with a new set of beautiful women in music - my seventh.  Having featured so many of them before, you might think I'm running out.  No, I'm just warming up. :-)

My current series includes the usual mix of big stars and lesser known talents, representing styles ranging from rock ro jazz to country . . .and even pop.  But in case you're wondering whether I'll finally get to some of the more famous single-named pop stars I've ignored over the years, well, you're in luck.

This series includes a tribute to Jewel.

Oh, you were expecting mononymic pop stars of a different sort - like a certain dance diva known for her shocking publicity stunts and another who's famous in part for her marriage to a rap icon?  Sorry, I continue to ignore those "artists" for the same reason the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame continues to ignore Jethro Tull - I don't want to have anything to do with them.  If they're your idea of the feminine ideal, you've come to the wrong place.

And personally, by the way, I think Jethro Tull should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - but that's not only another post, it's another blog altogether.  But, like the Hall, I have a right to exclude anyone I want here.

So let's get started!  my first post in the series will be up tomorrow. :-) 

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