Thursday, December 1, 2022

New Series: The Beauty of Dance, Part Nine!

Here we are once again, at the end of an even-numbered year, which means it's time for my biennial series of beautiful women in dance, and when you look for feminine beauty in that field, you don't have to look far.

As always, I've tried to be as diverse as possible - not just with the ethnicity of the dancers featured but also their genres - ballet but also modern dance as well.  I can't be thoroughly representative with just ten women here, but I think I still have a pretty good selection overall.

By the way, I haven't ruled out going annual with this series, but for now, let's concentrate on the month ahead.  Back soon with my first subject in the series. 😊 

In the meantime, it is with great regret that I acknowledge the death of one of the women I have featured on this blog - Christine McVie, whom I featured here in July 2010.  As always, that post will remain, but  I will not feature her again going forward.  Look for a more detailed look at her music on my regular blog in the near future.  RIP. 😢 

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