Monday, November 28, 2022

The Beauty of Retrospect: Beverly Johnson

I thought I'd revisit Beverly Johnson yet again, because I just keep finding too many damn pictures of her that are too beautiful not to share.

These pictures focus predominantly on her smile, the first thing you would notice if you were lucky enough to enter a room with her in it. Below are two pictures from the 1978-79 Vogue Beauty special issue.

In the photo above as well as in the one below, she smiles subtly and reassuringly.  She looks even more appealing in the photo below, with no makeup and with her hair pulled back - the Beverly Johnson you'd likely see off-camera.

But when she smiles broadly and vivaciously as she does in the 1973 Ultra Sheen ad photo below, she can make the strongest man melt.

Note that Ultra Sheen is a hair-care product, yet I was drawn more to her face and to that wonderful smile, hence the close cropping of the picture.

Of course, if it's hair you want . . .   

She doesn't get much more gorgeous than this.

And she hasn't lost her magic.  Below is a photo of Ms. Johnson from 2021, still with a captivating yet subtle smile, still glamorous, and still beautiful.

Classic beauty endures.

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