Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Beauty of Retrospect: Debara Bertin

I have my ninth series of beautiful dancers coming up in December, but with some time left in November, I'd like to offer some looks back at models I've previously featured.
And I haven't featured Debara Bertin since August 2015. And the last time I featured her, it was aan alternative version of a picture I'd previously shown.

These pictures of Debara Bertin are all new - at least for this blog.  Below is a picture of her from a Brooks Brothers catalog, flashing her captivating smile. 😊

Below, she sports a more serious post from a 1977 Avon catalog.

Her bangs-cenerd hair style made her instantly recognizable as a model . . . most of the time.  In the picture I showed before, her hair was pulled back, the better to show her full face. 

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