Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Beauty of Retrospect: Sophia Loren

I haven't featured Sophia Loren in  along, long time, and I think a picture of her at this point would go a long way toward rectifying that situation.

Even though Ms. Loren is 86 years old as of this writing, she hasn't retired completely.  In 2020 she returned to the silver screen in The Life Ahead, a movie about a former prostitute and Holocaust survivor who takes care of the children of other prostitutes and develops a special relationship with a orphan boy she takes in after he tried to steal money from her.   If that sounds to you like the plot of the 1977 Simone Signoret movie Madame Rosa, there's a reason for that; The Life Ahead and Madame Rosa were both based on the French novel "The Life Before Us."

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