Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Beauty of Retrospect: Catherine Deneuve

The last time I featured Catherine Deneuve was July 2018, and she remains all-time favorite actress (though I regret I haven't been able to see any of her films recently - the pandemic, overextension, you get the idea).  And of course, when I find a picture of her that just screams to be included in my blog, well, I'm going to include it.

Like this one! 

This picture of Mlle. Deneuve, who turned 77 this past October, shows her in all her platinum blonde glory.

Her most recent picture was The Truth, from 2019, in which she played an actress whose memoir gets published before her daughter gets a chance to read it.  Her daughter finds out that the book embellishes the facts too much for her satisfaction.

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