Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Day

I'm not here to wish viewers of this blog a happy new year.  This year, 2021, I am not wishing anyone that, as too many of the issues that made 2020 such a bummer will persist into the new year.  But I would like to begin this year with some regrettable ringing out of the old.

Back in 2009, I featured  business reporter Trish Regan, then with CNBC, on my blog.  Well, I won't be featuring her again in any retrospective devoted to media personalities, as she has since proven herself to have no personality.  Since I featured her here, she joined Fox's business channel (after a stint at Bloomberg), grew and colored her hair to look like the beauty queen she used to be, and, as fit for someone who wanted to be an opera singer, turned herself into a right-wing diva.  She actually got her own show on Fox Business, but then she actually got her own Fox Business show canceled when she said in March 2020 - I just learned about this - that the Democrats wanted to create "mass hysteria to encourage a market sell-off" by sowing fears about COVID-19 at the start of the pandemic, and she also said that Democrats wanted "to demonize and destroy the President."

She's now banned for life here, though my post of Ms. Regan from March 10, 2009 - posted almost eleven years to the day after her COVID rant - will remain, if only to remember the nonpartisan business reporter she used to be.  I've long since stopped posting female TV op-ed commentators of any partisan stripe on this blog because I don't want it to be political; I may have to stop featuring female reporters and anchors altogether, at this rate.  My main reason for deciding not to feature Ms. Reagn again is less for her arch-conservative views than for her cavalier dismissal of COVID.

Also, I have to acknowledge the death of British model Stella Tennant, who died suddenly last month (December 2020) just after her fiftieth birthday, and whom I featured in April 2013.  No cause was given, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me it was COVID, that same disease Trish Regan suggested was a hoax.  

And soon after that, actress Dawn Wells, who played Mary Ann on "Gilligan's' Island," did die of COVID.  I featured her in February 2010.  Her death leaves Tina Louise, whom I also featured on my blog, as the last surviving "Gilligan's Island" cast member.  Ironically, Tina Louise has long since disavowed her part in it, while Dawn Wells was possibly the show's own biggest fan.

Two more reasons to wish 2020 good riddance.  My post of Ms. Tennant and my post of Ms. Wells will remain on this blog, as they were alive at the time I posted them, but, as I do not post pictures of deceased women here, I will not post any more pictures of them going forward. 😢    

I'll be back in a couple of days with my first subject of the new year.

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