Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Beauty of Dance, Part Eight: Sophie Allnatt, The Royal Ballet, London, England, UK

For my first post of this series, I offer a dancer from the Royal Ballet in England who is also English.  Because dancers like Sophie Allnatt have no trouble reminding their fellow Brits that you don't have to send out for Russians to staff the Royal Ballet. 😊

As it turns out, Sophie Allnatt has spent virtually her entire career performing in her homeland.  She joined The Royal Ballet in 2018 and had trained with its school and graduated in 2011.  As a student, she was awarded the April Olrich Award for Dynamic Performance and performed with the Birmingham Royal Ballet and the Scottish Ballet.

Ms. Allnatt did make a detour to Germany, where she danced with the Ballet Magdeburg.  Among her roles with that company were the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker and both the Bluebird and the Canary Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty. Her roles with The Royal Ballet include the White Cat  in The Sleeping Beauty and the Cygnet in Swan Lake.

And she's just getting started.

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