Tuesday, December 1, 2020

New Series: The Beauty of Dance, Part Eight!

COVID-19 has sidelined most if not all of the world's leading dance companies, and while folks in the backwaters and backwoods of the Western world may not care about that, a lot of people are understandably bummed about it.  Especially during the Christmas season, when most ballet companies normally stage The Nutcracker.  Fortunately, there are plenty of videos on YouTube to watch dance performances.  And there will likely be many virtual performances for this holiday season. 

Here, of course, I show only pictures of dancers, and as it's the December of an even-numbered year, I have another series of beautiful women in dance - my eighth.  You might want to search these women on YouTube to see them in action.  

I know this series of headshots of these gorgeous women are no substitute for a live dance recital during this pandemic, but look at it this way - you get to see them here up close and personal, and - especially noteworthy in a public health crisis involving a respiratory syndrome - you get to see their full, beautiful faces! 😅

My first post in this series goes up tomorrow.  And hopefully, by the time I have a ninth series of beautiful women in dance, in December 2022, this pandemic will have long, long since ended.  And then we can get back to live, in-person performances of The Nutcracker.

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