Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Beauty of Dance, Part Eight: Brittany Rand, Los Angeles Ballet, Los Angeles, CA

The Los Angeles Ballet is a very young company even by New World standards, having been only founded in 2006.  So it's appropriate that a young company would have a lot of young dancers.  Brittany Rand, a member of the corps de ballet, is one of them.

Originally from Georgia - yes, the U.S. state - Ms. Rand trained at the Atlanta Dance Theatre before going on to train at the schools of the Joffrey Ballet, the Boston Ballet, the Nashville Ballet, and the Pacific Northwest Ballet.  She's about as well-traveled as any dancer can be without leaving America.

At this writing, Ms. Rand is currently in her fourth season with the Los Angeles Ballet.  With all of her training in various ballet schools, it's safe to say she ha a brilliant future ahead of her. 

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