Sunday, May 26, 2024

Media personality Sheila Stainback

Although I'm posting fewer female TV anchors and reporters here, as celebrating women in the news business for their physical appearance - even celebrating it along with their journalistic chops - is more often than not a questionable idea, I haven't stopped doing so completely, and this time, in fact, I'm celebrating a woman who used to be in the news business but  has since taken a different career path.

For the longest time (or so it seemed), Sheila Stainback was a staple of New York newscasting as the co-anchor of the 10:00 PM news report on WPIX-TV.  

Although she had a great deal of integrity as an anchorwoman and was a reliable presence in Big Apple TV news, Ms Stainback tired of her profession and left to work more as an actress than as an anchorwoman.  She's even done a few movies in which she played - you guessed it - a reporter.

Ms. Stainback has mostly played walk-on roles and done voice-over work.   And from all appearances, she's pretty happy in her current career path.  It's still sad, though, that while Ms. Stainback may be happier, New York TV news is that much poorer.

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