Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Beauty of Retrospect, Special Post: Janice O'Reilly

I'm presenting eighties model Janice O'Reilly again, and the reason it's a special post - apart from the fact that it doesn't conform to any kind of alphabetical order - is because it has some additional information about Janice O'Reilly, provided by . . . Janice O'Reilly herself! :-D

Ms. O'Reilly found my original post depicting a closeup picture of her from July 2011, and she was actually quite pleased that I featured her . She left a comment on that post, saying that she had been at she had been represented by modeling agencies other than HV, and that she is currently living in Bucks County, Pennsylvania - wow, I used to live there when I was a kid, and I still visit there! - working as a photographer and having held many shows of her work. 

Thus, Janice O'Reilly joins a list of models who have since become artists and designers that includes Anne Bezamat, Claudia Cron, Caroline Ellen, Wanakee Pugh, and Louise Vyent - all of whom have been featured here. :-)

The picture of Ms. O'Reilly above is from 1987.

For more information on her photography, go to her Web site.

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