Saturday, October 29, 2022

Reporter Alyona Minkovski

Alyona Minkovski is a Russian-born American journalist who has turned her reports on anti-Putin Russians into a reporting specialty.

She started out hosting her own political talk show, ironically enough, on the now-defunct pro-Putin channel RT America, but she's since profiled Putin's opposition in local Moscow elections in The Nation and later covered anti-Trump Americans of Russian origin for a liberal Web site.

Ms. Minkovski has also worked with the Huffington Post, working as a host of its streaming channel HuffPost Live and reporting on issues such as wrongful conviction and gay rights.  She joined Salon in  2017.

Fun fact:  Remember Soviet figure skater Irina Rodnina, who won the Olympic gold medal in pairs figure skating with her partner Alexander Zaitsev at the Innsbruck Winter Games in 1976 and again at Lake Placid in 1980?  She's Ms. Minkovski's mother.  

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