Saturday, October 1, 2022

Commentary: Ellen Page

Before I start a new year of beautiful women, I have to address an issue regarding Canadian actress Ellen Page, whom I featured in May 2010.

She certainly did a lot of notable work as an actress in the 2010s, including a role in the Woody Allen ensemble comedy To Rome With Love from 2012, the 2013 thriller movie The East and the title role in 2016's Tallulah, about a homeless woman who raises a baby sister as her own daughter.   She also produced and starred in films such as 2015's Into the Forest, about girls who survive in the wilderness, and 2017's My Days of Mercy, about girls who protest capital punishment.  And Page became one of the most outspoken actresses in Hollywood, espousing ultra-liberal political positions that would have startled a onetime George McGovern supporter.  

Since I first featured her on this blog, Page came out as gay in 2014.  I shrugged at the news, deciding that her sexual orientation didn't change the fact that she was physically attractive, and so I left my blog entry on her alone.  And then came even bigger news; Page stopped being a woman named Ellen Page and started being a man named Elliot Page in 2020, announcing his new persona in 2021.

Well, I've never had a woman I've featured on this blog become a man, and to head off any bigoted or despicable comments on my post of the former Ellen Page, let me say this: I don't care if she's a he now.  Elliot Page has chosen an identity that conforms to his own conviction that he is a man and had been merely inside a woman's body, and he is not afraid to live his life as the person he believes himself to be.  He is very brave in coming forward in this manner, and he has also made it clear that he does not care what other people think.

And what do I think?  I have no problem with this at all.  Live and let live, I say.  Transsexual individuals ("transsexual," not "transgender," is the proper word; the word "gender" is a literary reference) have no impact on my life.  They don't threaten me, they don't cause me trouble or discomfort, and they don't need to worry about me bashing them for their choices to go from one sex to another.   If you follow this blog, I hope that you would share the same attitude.  Which is why my original post of Ellen Page will remain on this blog, and if you don't like it, please stop following my blog and leave me alone.

Obviously, of course, I can no longer feature Ellen Page on this blog if he's a man named Elliot Page now.   This blog is, after all, called "Pictures of Beautiful Women."    

Page is now a producer, not having acted in a movie since 2017.

Back soon with new subjects.  

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