Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Actress Evan Rachel Wood

Evan Rachel Wood is an American actress who, like Emma Stone, is part of the new generation of great American actresses.

And like Ms. Stone, Ms.. Wood has been in so many movies that to list them here comprehensively would take too much space, so I am only focusing on a few of her better known titles.

One of her earliest roles was as the daughter of a film director (played by Al Pacino) who creates a computer-generated movie star in Simone, from 2002.  From there she starred in movies such as King of California, in which she played a young woman whose mentally ill father (played by Michael Douglas) is convinced he has discovered buried treasure, as well as the Beatles-inspired musical Across the Universe, in which Ms. Wood played a young woman based on the song "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds."  Both movies are from 2007.

Ms. Wood continued to make distinguished feature films that, like Simone and King of California, found her playing daughters, such as the daughter of a down-and-out wrestler (played by Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler (from 2008) and one of the most notorious daughters in American history - Anna Surratt, whose mother Mary was executed for being in on the plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln, in The Conspirator.  The 2010 film directed by Robert Redford, explored the federal government's zealous haste in convicting Mary Surratt (played in this movie by Robin  Wright) simply because of her association with her son John, who was involved in the plot with John Wilkes Booth . . . and how Mrs. Surratt was wrongfully scapegoated.

Ms. Wood has done all that, and she's only 33 as of this writing.  Much more is obviously to come.    

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