Saturday, August 1, 2020

Update and Announcement

Before I get to my next A-Z round of new subjects, I have to productive dome updated information . . . and apologize for not having provided it originally. 

In my April 2020 post devoted to Shirley Jones, I neglected to mention that she played Laurey Williams in the 1955 movie adaptation of Oklahoma!  A follower of this blog caught the omission.  Thanks to Les for alerting me.  My bad.

Also, you might have heard about this nasty storm called Isaias, which is expected to affect my area.  I don't know if it will knock my power out - given my history with power outages, I'm not confident in it staying on through this - but because my blog posts are done in advance and scheduled to publish on their appointed days, my blog will be able to continue in that event.

Back tomorrow with my next subject.  

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