Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Beauty of Retrospect, A Third June Model Edition: Kim Acee

I first featured Kim Acee in September 2014, and I noted that she was a catalog model.  But she was also active in doing fashion and beauty editorials, like these two photos from a May 1979 cosmetics editorial from Good Housekeeping.

These pictures are from the same makeup editorial that featured Catherine Roberts, whose own appearance I featured back in December 2019.  (By the way, you'll see more of Ms. Roberts later this month.) And as with the brunette Ms. Roberts, the blonde Ms. Acee looks so much lovelier without makeup, as the "before" picture shows.

There is such a thing of natural beauty. :-)

Kim Acee  has also been a hair-care model.  Below is her in an ad for Flex shampoo, in which she shows off her luxurious locks while also sporting a ten-gallon hat. 

Hello, cowgirl in the sand! :-) 

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