Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Beauty of Retrospect, Special Post - Catherine Roberts, 1979

Strictly speaking, every post showing brunette model Catherine Roberts is a special post.  But this one is really special, making it appropriate to share with you this New Year's Eve as the 2010s draw to a close.  Both of the pictures below came from a makeup tutorial piece in the May 1979 issue of Good Housekeeping.  The editors called Ms. Roberts' makeup an "exquisite" example of "flawless beauty with a flair." 

But as stunningly gorgeous as she appears above, she looks even more beautiful in the "before" photo!

If looks could kill, Ms. Roberts' natural beauty would be lethal.  

Her sweet look, her long black hair, and her gentle expression all illustrate what any top model's makeup-free face shows - a complete confidence in her ability to turn heads without any cosmetic embellishment whatsoever.  I'm surprised this photo was published - it would have had the ironic effect of putting makeup artists out of business! :-D

But then, Catherine Roberts is a beautiful person, which makes her such a naturally beautiful woman.  Take it from someone who knows her personally.  ♥

Happy new year.  A new A-Z round starts very soon for 2020.  😊  

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