Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Beauty of Retrospect, A Third June Model Edition: Eva Voorhees

I close this month of looks back at models I've already featured with another look at Eva Voorhees.

This, I believe, is a picture from the January/February 1980 issue of Vogue Patterns, a wonderful source for this blog and for anyone who wants to preserve the best of the golden age of modeling.

Eva Voorhees, whom I last featured here in April 2018, is the first top model of that period (the 1970s and 1980s) to discover this blog, and we immediately became friends on social media.  Sad to say, she quit social networking and has disappeared from public access.  I can only hope she is doing well and living a happy life.

As we go into July, I plan to start a new monthly series . . . another round of female athletes. :-) 

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