Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Beauty of Retrospect: Gail O'Neill

Can Gail O'Neill make a soft drink ad sexy?

You tell me! :-D 

This picture is from a Diet Coke ad promoting a Coca-Cola-sponsored contest, and I don't even remember what the contest was for.  I was too busy admiring Ms. O'Neill - whom I've only featured once before, and in January 2010! :-O - in her slinky sliver metallic outfit and her long black opera gloves, and . . . it is getting warm in here? :-D 

And here's another hot photo of Ms. O'Neill from a 1992 cover of Amica magazine. :-)

Ms. O'Neill followed Willow Bay's example and left modeling for a career in journalism.  She's worked for CNN and Home + Garden Television. :-)

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