Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Foreign correspondent Jane Ferguson

Jane Ferguson is only 35 years old as of this writing, but she's already developed in a decade a résumé as a foreign war correspondent that most reporters take an entire career to acquire. 

Ms. Ferguson, who was born in Northern Ireland and educated in New Jersey and in England, did freelance work for CNN International from 2010 to 2011,  reporting on stories such as al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in East Africa and Yemen. She also worked for Al Jazeera English from 2011 to 2014, during which she covered the Arab Spring revolts of 2011, the ongoing war in Afghanistan, and the Syria's civil war.

She has been a special foreign correspondent for the PBS NewsHour in the United States since 2015, covering more of the same - the Islamic State War, the civil war in South Sudan, and the civil war in Yemen, among other conflicts in  Middle East.  Her intrepid reporting and her relentless drive have gotten her numerous journalism award nominations, including her win of the 2019 George Polk Award for her reporting in Yemen.

Jane Ferguson is a perfect example of grace under pressure.  

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