Friday, January 17, 2020

Actress Tricia Helfer

Tricia Helfer has beauty and an acting career that are out of this world - literally, in the latter case.

She was a star of the 2004-09 edition of the popular "Battlestar Galactica" sci-fi franchise, playing a numbered humanoid Cylon (Number Six).  The Cylons were a race of androids who battled humans that journeyed across outer space to reach the planet Earth.  The series ran on - what else? - the Sci-Fi Channel.

Born in Canada, Ms. Helfer started out as a model - big surprise! :-D - before becoming an actress.  She's had many roles in both television and movies, but to many of her fans, she's still Number Six.

Her movies include White Rush, a 2003 movie about tourists caught in a bad drug deal, which was her first big break, and 2014's Authors Anonymous, in which she played a hardware store employee who encourages a self-publishing writer to pursue his dream.  

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