Monday, March 4, 2019

The Beauty of Retrospect, March Actress Edition: Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt is another actress I have failed to keep up with for far too long.  I last featured her here in February 2010.

A few months after I first featured her, she married John Krasinski, one of those TV sitcom actors no one takes seriously when they try to cross over into film. (Krasinski starred in the U.S. version of "The Office.")  In fact, as a British film actress marrying an American sitcom star, Ms, Blunt was seen as having married down.  Well, they both had the last laugh.  They starred in 2018's A Quiet Place, which Krasinski wrote and directed, which is a post-apocalyptic horror movie about unknown creatures who have wiped out a good chunk of the human race and are attracted to sound. The whole movie provided high-ratcheted tension from the Abbotts, played by Krasinski and Ms. Blunt, and their children trying to keep quiet and avoid being eaten by the creatures, communicating with sign language and gestures.  It was one of the most acclaimed films of 2018.

Ms. Blunt ended 2018 with the Disney sequel movie Mary Poppins Returns, playing the the title role opposite Lin-Manuel Miranda as the apprentice of Dick Van Dyke's Bert from the original 1964 film.

Though her Britishness made her an obvious choice to play Mary Poppins, Emily Blunt is now an American citizen. :-)

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