Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Beauty of Retrospect, March Actress Edition: Betsy Chang

I've been able to find more information on actress and dancer Betsy Chang, whom I first featured here in March 2014.  And just as importantly, I've found an even better picture of her.

In addition to her Broadway and Hollywood credits from the eighties and nineties, which I highlighted in my previous post, Ms. Chang has also worked behind the scenes as a choreographer, having arranged the dancing in two productions from East West Players company in Los Angeles, Pacific Overtures in 1998 and Little Shop of Horrors in 2003.  East West Players is a leading Asian-American company on the West Coast.

Here's something else I was able to find out: She was also in the first national-tour production of Drood!, the musical based an unfinished Charles Dickens novel.

Alas, I can't find any more recent information about this lovely woman.  If you know Betsy Chang - or if you are Betsy Chang - please feel free to tell me what she's (you've?) been doing since 2003 by leaving a comment on this post. :-)

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