Friday, March 31, 2017

Numbers and Other Things

I have now posted pictures of 1,050 women on this blog.  I'm setting an arbitrary goal of one hundred new subjects per year, because I have decided to publish an annual list of the women added to this blog in the year gone by.  Five-year lists are too cumbersome. :-)

I also had to clean up my blog a bit with regard to a few of my archived posts.  I went back to a couple of earlier posts to adjust and update their content . . . and I found a couple of paragraphs without justified margins! Plus a couple of other posts with very minor typos.  I fixed those, and the next day I found that one blog entry was posted . . . twice!  That had to be Blogger's fault, because I don't see how I could have posted the same entry twice - and with the same timestamp! - by myself.  Also, a miscounting of how many entries I'd posted up to a certain time - a post that I thought was my one thousandth was not - forced yet more revisions on a previously published post.  And I'm not completely convinced that at least one of those unjustified entries was my fault.  Back in July 2016, Blogger's service had some issues that really screwed up some of my posts here. These glitches I found more recently might have been the result of that.

Whoever is responsible for any of this - me, (which has had reliability problems on other occasions) - this still all embarrasses me, because even though this is a blog and not a proper Web site, I try to make it look as professional and polished as possible, and certain glitches and human errors are bound to occur when I'm my own editor on a free service.

Anyway, the glitches and errors have been corrected, and I thank everyone who follows and visits this blog for their loyalty. :-)

Right . . ..  I'm devoting April 2017 to looks back at models I've previously featured.  I'll be back soon.        

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