
Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Beauty of Retrospect: Margrit Ramme In Black and White, With a Little Color

I'm devoting the week and change remaining in June 2013 to some retrospectives, largely to get rid of pictures taking up space on my hard drive, followed by another A-Z round in July and August.

Right now, it's time now to revisit yet again the most popular non-American woman on this blog!  Yes, I know I last revisited Margrit Ramme as recently as April, but what the heck . . . 

Is there a pose Margrit Ramme can't pull off? Whether it's posing with cast members of The Wiz . . .

. . . or posing with a sphere on a checkerboard floor . . .  

. . . she's always looked glamorous and gorgeous, even in black-and-white.

In these black-and-white ads for Flame-Glo cosmetics, though, an enterprising art director couldn't help but accentuate them a bit with a little color. :-)

It's hard to imagine any black-and-white photo accentuated by what's called "colorizing," or "colourising," depending on where you live . . .    

. . . but when the photos are of Margrit Ramme, one of Germany's enduring stars in the modeling trade, how can you go wrong? :-) 

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