Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 2025: Commentary

Some time ago, I decided to stop featuring attractive female politicians on this blog because that would be trivializing them and, besides, all of the attractive female politicians I featured were Democrats and that made the blog partisan.  At the beginning of this year I decided to cut back on featuring attractive female journalists after Mika Brzezinski - who once encouraged women to know their value - compromised her own when she and her husband Joe Scarborough went to Berghof-by-the-Sea to kiss Donald Trump's ring.

This meant that my blog going forward  would likely focus even more on entertainers and models.  But after country singer Carrie Underwood - whom I featured on this blog in October 2009 - performed at Donald Trump's second inaugural gala., it became more than apparent that I have to be even more selective about whom I feature here because it's not just a new year in 2025 - it's a new reality.  Donald Trump is forcing us to take on side or the other, and I choose to take a side that recognizes MAGA for the fascist movement that it is, and I don't want to celebrate women here who celebrate Trump.  It's as simple as that.  It's no longer just about refusing to feature women known for their beauty on this blog because I don't like them.  In fact, Carrie Underwood is one of a handful of women I've featured here to turned out much leader to be supporters of right-wing politics, though I won't mention any others by name here.  I will say that some of these MAGA ladies are top models, so I won't be featuring them again.

I usually exclude women known for their beauty (sometimes known for beauty in the eyes of beholders other than in my own eyes) from this blog when they completely turn me off.  There are some famous women who hate Trump that I refuse to feature here because they repel me for other reasons.  A famous female Trump supporter like Megyn Kelly is a lead-pipe cinch for exclusion because I've always disliked Megyn Kelly and, far, far, worse, I hate Trump.

Going forward, I'll be happy to show more female journalists and commentators known for their anti-Trump sympathies even as I make sure to exclude models and entertainers who are pro-Trump.   I can no longer endure my sentiments and feature women whose views nauseate me.  If I feature any pro-Trump women on this blog in the future, it will only be because I am unaware of their views.  And if any MAGA people pout there are unhappy about that, you are free to quit following my blog and go elsewhere.  

Back soon with a new A-Z round.         

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