Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Special Post: Nastasia Urbano Needs Our Help

I'm repeating here a story about a model I've featured here before - a model who happens to be a friend of mine.  It's a story that I covered on my other blog, Miscellaneous Musings.  In late January 2019, the Spanish media reported that Nastasia Urbano, one of the best-known ans most revered models to come from Spain, is  homeless in her hometown of Barcelona.  Her situation is the result of a disastrous marriage and a misplacing of trust in how her money was handled.

Above at left is Nastasia today at 57 years of age, still hauntingly beautiful but showing also the weariness and worry of living out on he street.  At right is Nastasia in her twenties from her iconic Yves Saint Laurent print ad.  I'd be lying if I said you'd never know it was the same woman, because her grace and her inner strength are still quite obvious now as they were then.

Since Nastasia's story got out, her friends have rallied to cause.  One of her longtime friends has set up a GoFundMe page with the goal of raising €6,000 (US$6,814.23) to help her get back on her feet by getting a small apartment so she can resume her modeling career. As of this writing, those of his who know Nastasia, myself, included, and others have contributed  €5,006 (US$5,685.06).  She just needs a few more contributors to reach the €6,000 threshold.  I urge you to contribute whatever you can to her GoFundMe page, to link to which is here.  It's both in Spanish and English.

Thank you.    

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