Saturday, August 28, 2010

Model Cynthia King

Cynthia King is a successful model from the 1980s whose work was in demand by many clients.

She was represented by the Wilhelmina agency.


Unknown said...

She was my art teacher in 1972...she was very beautiful and equally nice. I saw her in Avon catalogs and I believe JCP. She was a great art teacher.

kumbufu said...

Hi! Cindy, I finally found you. My name is Bruce Hayes.I went to Kent State University with you from 1968-1972. I just wanted to know how are you doing.If you don't view this blog you can reach me a my e-mail


Anonymous said...

Cynthia is now a great artist painting a variety of oil and water color painting. She is an impressionist of the events during the years following her days at Kent State University. gary

Steve said...

Gary: Thanks for the information! :-)

Daniel Chavis said...

Can anyone tell me where to find her art?

Steve said...

Daniel: I wish I knew.

Anonymous said...

Cynthia grew up in my hometown. None of us were surprised by her success. She was as nice and smart as she was pretty. We were, and remain, very proud of her success. Everyone still remembers her fondly. I thank you on her behalf for the kind words and recognition.

Steve said...

You're very welcome! :-)

Daniel Chavis said...

That's awesome! Where can we see her art now? In this post it says shes an Impressionist painter?!

Steve said...

Daniel: I wish I knew where to find her art. When I Google her name, most of what comes up are my own posts about her!

Daniel Chavis said...


Daniel Chavis said...

Could any of you who have posted know where to find her art?

Steve said...

I think that request is for you, Gary.

Daniel Chavis said...

Steve I found this..

Steve said...

Wow, that Bruce Hayes fellow is pretty persistent! Maybe I should e-mail him!

Daniel Chavis said...

Lol! Yeah! Noticed but I tried to write him awhile ago as well but no response. Im always suprised to see new post on her. Most I remember seeing when I was a kid.

Unknown said...

I fell in love with her as a kid looking through Ebony magazines and seeing her Loreal ads! Her eyes are so beautiful!

David -Redstar Film said...

I was made aware of this blog and am happy to learn about the interest in Cynthia’s work. Cynthia is my sister. While all her work is privately held, there is an Instagram account soon to be published that shares her work from decades of inspired production. To this point, her works were unpublished and limited to personal expression.

Steve said...

David: Wow, this is an honor to have you join in on the conversation! I'm happy to have you here, and I hope your sister is doing well. There are other posts of Cynthia here on this blog, including one picture of her without makeup showing what a naturally beautiful woman she is. I hope you check them out - just type her name in quotation marks in the Search bar in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen, and they'll all come up. :-)