Remember Lori Petty? She was popular when George Bush the Elder was President.

A one-time graphic designer, Lori Petty appeared in the Penny Marshall baseball movie A League of Their Own in 1992 but lost the big movie career to some single-named shrew who was apparently cast in it to bring in "the kids." Apart from the 1995 cult movie Tank Girl, Petty hasn't done much of note since. :-(
Hard to top Tank Girl.
The best movie she was in was with Patrick swayze and Keanu reeves she played a surfur girl
The surfer movie was called Point Break. Great movie, Keanu is hilarious in it, even though its supposed to be serious.
Lori was also in Pray for Rock and Roll with Gina Gershon and Drea De Matteo, a film about an all girl Rock Band loosely based on Joan Jet. She played the lead guitarist.
Thanks for the info, all! :-)
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