Monday, March 12, 2007

Janet Evans, Again

Here's Janet Evans with her Olympic medals. Notice the quantity of them!  :-D

She became the first American woman to win four Olympic gold medals in individual swimming by winning the 800-meter freestyle a second time at Barcelona in 1992. Germany's Dagmar Hase, who had been an East German swimmer before the reunification of Germany and had thus possibly given been steroids without her knowledge, denied Ms. Evans a repeat victory in the 400-meter freestyle and thus an unprecedented fifth career gold medal at that same Olympiad.

Ms. Evans returned to win that fifth gold medal in Atlanta in 1996, but fell rather short of her goal. She still enjoyed herself in Atlanta (despite the fact that it's nowhere nearly as nice as Barcelona!), and she even got to pass the torch to . . .

. . .some dude. He was a boxer, I understand. From some place in Kentucky. Had his picture taken with the Beatles once. What was his name again? ;-)

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