
Monday, March 18, 2024

The Beauty of Retrospect, March Model Edition: Beverly Lee

Once upon a time, finding pictures of the groundbreaking East Asian model Beverly Lee was a difficult task. Now I've been able to find more pictures of her as I get to know where to look. 😃 


That's why I get to feature her again only seven months after last doing so (in August 2023).

The photo above is a colorized close-up of Beverly from 1986.  While she can and does appear to be very formal in many of her photo shoots, in the picture below we see the Beverly Lee you'd literally see on the street - relaxed, carefree and accessible. 

And to think this is from a fashion shoot and not a candid shot.

The gentleman in the background represents just about every man who ever saw Beverly Lee come into their presence.  We can't help but be attracted to her.

That's why I feature her so darn much. 😊 

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