
Friday, March 29, 2024

The Beauty of Retrospect, March Model Edition: Louise Vyent

Full disclosure requires me to state that, while I once said that I have met Louise Vyent, whom I last featured here in June 2022, it's a little more complicated than that.  I proposed writing an article about her post-modeling work, which at the time was photography.  Unfortunately, she turned me down. 

So why do I keep posting pictures of her here?  You would think I was disappointed in her, right?  Please.  I could never be disappointed with someone like Louise Vyent.  You've heard the cliché "beautiful inside and out?"  You might have heard it before applied to the wrong woman.  Believe me when I say that, in the case of Louise Vyent, it's accurate.   

While a private person by nature, she's also very unassuming and modest,as shown above in a photo from 1986.  What you see with her is what you get.   

The photo below, from 1990, at the height of Ms. Vyent's modeling career, may be my favorite one form her entire portfolio.  just look at how much joy and happiness she radiates.

And not too many women can radiate joy and happiness for a camera like Louise Vyent can. 😊

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