Sunday, October 23, 2022

TV newswoman Brianna Keilar

 Brianna Keilar has been a reliable presence on CNN since 2006.

The Australian-born broadcast  journalist (her father is Australian and her mother was American: she and her family settled in southern California when she was two) actually got her start at CBS affiliate KIMA-TV in Yakima Washington, as a reporter as a reporter before moving to CBS itself as a reporter and producer.  At the Cable News Network, she continued her on-the-ground reporting work before hosting her own progema, "CNN Right Now With Brianna Keilar."

She has been John Berman's co-host on CNN's morning show "New Day" since April 2021, but she won't be in that role for much longer.  CNN is planning to debut a new morning show with new hosts, though Ms. Keilar will move on to other duties at CNN.

Fun fact: When CNN sought Hillary Clinton for an interview for the 2016 presidential campaign, she asked for a specific anchorwoman to interview.  Hillary Clinton's handlers thought she'd said "Brianna," and so they got Brianna Keilar.  In fact, Mrs. Clinton had asked for "Bianna," meaning Bianna Golodryga, who was expected to ask easy questions - mainly because Ms. Golodryga's husband, Peter Orszag, had been President Obama's budget director.  Brianna Keilar, however, is not a woman who throws softballs to anyone, as Mrs. Clinton soon found out.    

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