Thursday, April 8, 2021

Amal Clooney

 Oh, come on, do I have to tell you who this is?

Yes, she's actor George Clooney's wife, but Amal Clooney is better known now - and known before her marriage - as an esteemed human rights lawyer.  

It's fitting that Mrs. Clooney has been involved in too many cases for me to repeat here, because - wait for it - I could never do justice to describing them.  But here are the situations of a few of her best-known clients .  She represented Canadian journalist Mohamed Fahmy, of al-Jazeera English, in 2014 when he was held in Egypt with other reporters  Though given a three-year prison sentence, he was pardoned by Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Mrs. Clooney was also part of legal team defending former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed, who was given a thirteen-year prison sentence for unsubstantiated and unproven charges for crimes that were not clear.  The sentence was eventually overturned, in November 2018, by the Maldivian Supreme Court, which said that Nasheed should never have been brought to trial.

Mrs. Clooney also represents Iraqi Yazidi activist ad Nobel laureate Nadia Murad in her ongoing fight against members of the Islamic state that terrorized the Yazidi population in northern Iraq.

There's to much more for me to cover here.  To find out more about Amal Clooney's career, I urge you to go to her Wikipedia biography, which was my primary source for this blog entry.

As for her personal life . . . she married George Clooney in April 2014, and though born in Lebanon,  the former Amal Alamuddin was raised in Buckinghamshire in England.  She's considered a British national treasure.

And because she's Hollywood royalty by marriage . . . well, I guess I ought to post at least one glamour picture of her here. 😊

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