Friday, March 5, 2021

The Beauty of Retrospect, March Model Edition: Jennifer Brice

I last featured pioneering black model Jennifer Brice in April 2017, and quite frankly, a four-year period is too long to go without acknowledging her.  Full disclosure requires me to state that I know her personally and I have been in her wonderful company on occasion.

The black-and-white picture is from early in her modeling career.  The color picture above is a casual pose, taken for a video interview she did and not for a client; it's the Jennifer Brice you'd see off-camera.  When she poses for the camera - as she has been doing in her profession since the early 1970s - she is every bit the glamorous cover girl she's always been.

The above photo of Jennifer Brice - who famously vowed the French along with several other black American models at a high-profile fashion show in Versailles - is from 2019.

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