Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Beauty of Retrospect, A Third June Model Edition: Catherine Roberts

I know I only featured Catherine Roberts six months ago (December 2019), but this is my blog, and if I want to show pictures of the same model after only half a year, by gum, I'll do it! :-) 

Catherine Roberts, of course, did a lot of cosmetics ads back in the late seventies, and even though she was primarily associates with L'Oreal and the now-defunct  Charles of the Ritz brand, she also did ads for Coty, an ad from which the picture above is taken, and also for Helena Rubinstein.

The photo above is from a Rubinstein ad, but it's actually a colorized version of a black-and-white picture.  Some of my colorizations work better than others, and this is one of such efforts that worked out best. :-)

And just to remind you, Catherine Roberts still looks beautiful in this century.

The photo above is from April 2016.

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