Monday, March 23, 2020

The Beauty of Song, Part Seven: Chloé Perrier

Chloé Perrier is a French jazz singer who divides her time between Paris and New York.

A singer who began singing and playing the violin at an early age, Mlle. Perrier was professionally trained in Paris and also learned how to compose on the piano.  She began to write her own songs soon after.

Her first album, Coeur de Francaise, is a record primarily comprised of original songs, all recorded in French.  She released her second album, Petit Fleur, in 2019.  Mlle. Perrier recorded it with her backing group, the French Heart Jazz band; it's a hybrid of French chansons and American pop standards.

This blogger got to experience Mlle. Perrier in a performance that literally put her within striking distance of her audience, when she performed at a special public event at an art museum in New Jersey. :-)

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