Monday, July 1, 2019

July 2019: Model Retrospectives

I probably have no greater fun with my own blog than I do when I look back at particular models with a week's worth of posts, one model per week for a month.  So now, I'm about to do it again, for the simple fact that I have more space than I need to come up with at least twenty new subjects by the time this blog reaches its anniversary date in late September . . . and also because I have plenty of pictures of the models I'm about to revisit!

The four models I have selected represent different types.  The first two come from opposite sides of the same hemisphere, and of different ethnic backgrounds, but both are more famous for their fashion show appearances than for their print work.  The first is Claire Atkinson, from England (you wiseacres who insist that English ethnicity is an oxymoron can shut up and sit down now, thank you very much!), and the second is Anna Bayle of the Philippines.  The third and fourth women are both black American models who have worked mostly in print assignments, but while the third model I will feature for a week is a household name, the fourth is not. The first black model is none other than the legendary Beverly Johnson, and the latter one is a woman by the name of Cynthia King, whom I featured only once before . . . in 2010.

And while Cynthia King may be recognizable, she's most likely known more by sight then by name.  However, I think it's safe to say that she wouldn't have had the career she did had not Beverly Johnson, a trail blazer for black women in modeling, paved the way or her and many others. 

Full disclosure requires me to state that I know Claire Atkinson and Anna Bayle through Facebook, and I also am in contact with Claire Atkinson outside social media despite the act that we live far apart from each other.  I don't know Beverly Johnson - not even through social media - and no one in the modeling profession whom I know seems to have any idea what became of Cynthia King, though I was able to find out a few things about her with a little persistence and a little dumb luck.

So - enough blabbering!  Off we go into a whole month of stunning beauty and elegance! :-)   

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