Friday, March 29, 2019

The Beauty of Retrospect, March Actress Edition: Susan Sarandon

I haven't featured Susan Sarandon on this blog since October 2011, so that means I haven't paid attention to her for a long, long time.

As she turned 65 the same month I last featured her (which was also the first time ever that she appeared on this blog), you would expect her work as an actress to have slacked off a bit, ageism and sexism being what they are in Hollywood.  Au contraire!  She's made more movies in the past seven years and change than I can count!

So I'll focus on two of her more distinguished movies to save time and bandwidth.  She appeared in The Company You Keep, a 2012 political thriller in which she and Robert Redford (who also directed) starred as veterans of the Weather Underground terrorist group.  She was also in the 2013 ensemble comedy The Big Wedding, as well as in the 2014 Canadian murder mystery The Calling, playing an inspector in a small town in Ontario trying to solve a grisly killing.

Most people who have seen Susan Sarandon act of late have more likely seen her on the small screen than the big one, though.  She guest-starred in the crime television series "Ray Donovan" for seven episodes in 2017. 

She hasn't lost her yen for political activism, though. She steadfastly supported Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, and when he didn't get it, she supported Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein tat November, angry then and later at the Democrats' presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, for being a defense hawk and a pro-fossil-fuel candidate.

I can relate.  I too voted for Dr. Stein out of disgust with Hillary Clinton after seeing how the nomination process was rigged against my Democratic presidential candidate, Martin O'Malley - who, like Susan Sarandon, is a graduate of the Catholic University of America in Washington (she, 1968; he, 1985).    

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