Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Beauty of Retrospect, March Actress Edition: Felicity Jones

So what has British actress Felicity Jones been doing since I first featured her in March 2014?

A lot, really. She had a leading role in the Star Wars movie Rogue One, which documented what happened between Revenge of the Sith and the original 1977 Star Wars movie.She played Jyn Erso, a young renegade woman who is imprisoned by the Galactic Empire for crimes against the state until the Rebel Alliance frees her.

More recently, she played another renegade - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in the biographical movie  On the Basis of Sex

It's telling that a foreign actress from a country that's already had two female prime ministers should play a justice in a country that took a giant leap backward from gender equality with the ascension of Brett Kavanaugh to the highest court in the land.      

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