Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Beauty of Retrospect: Anne Bezamat, In Living Color

The last time I featured French model Anne Bezamat on this blog, in November 2016, I depicted her pose on the cover of the February 1983 edition of the New York Times' "Fashions of the The Times" Sunday magazine supplement, and I commented that the "quiet understatement" of her pose and said, "The contrast of white and black with her confident expression creates a mystique all her own."

The picture is even more appreciable without the front-cover text.  Here, then, is the original picture, unadorned by headlines and mastheads. :-)


This was the second time I ever saw Anne Bezamat on the cover of a magazine, the first time being when I saw her Cosmopolitan cover from the previous summer.  How taken was I by her beauty?  Well, how do you say "head over heels" in French? :-D

Anne Bezamat also did print ads, and she brought the same allure to her commercial work that she brought to her editorial work.  Below is an ad she did in 1982 for Flame Glo cosmetics.

I love how she gazes toward the makeup artist with suspicion, as if she knows she's so naturally beautiful that there's no way he can improve on her looks. :-D 

It's still that same alluring look that has captivated me for decades. :-)    

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