Friday, September 28, 2018

The Beauty of Retrospect: Janet Evans

I thought I'd close out September, before I go forward with a new round of A-Z subjects for October and November, with another look at legendary distance swimmer Janet Evans, who now serves as the  Vice Chair and Director of Athlete Relations for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics - which is how she describes herself on her Twitter page.  She also describes herself as a "Mom, Wife, Olympic Champion . . ." :-)

And, of course, she is also my only sports celebrity crush. :-)

The above photo is from an appearance at DePauw University in Indiana in September 1996, two months after concluding her competitive swimming career at the Atlanta Olympics. She was on a victory lap in the form of a speaking tour.

The photo below is of our heroine at a swim meet in 2014.

She was only there as a spectator, yet she drew applause just the same. 

It's that magic ability she has. :-) 

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