Monday, June 18, 2018

The Beauty of Anonymity: Unidentified actress in Dewey Stevens commercial

Wine coolers are to alcoholic beverages what the Pontiac Fiero is to cars or what Members Only jackets are to fashion - relics of the 1980s that no one really cares about any more.  But wine coolers, unlike the Pontiac Fiero or Members Only jackets, inspired a lot of clever commercials to give wine-cooler brands, usually given made-up names, some distinction.  There wasn't actually anyone named Dewey Stevens, but ads for the wine cooler of that name played on the idea that Dewey Stevens was a real individual that people knew personally.

One Dewey Stevens ad, which is embedded in this post, in particular was downright hilarious.  A very attractive blonde in a bar (below) claims to know Dewey Stevens and credits him for helping her escape from aliens who took both of them to the planet Ribnok.  "They took me because of my personality," she says.  "They took Dewey too because he's got a great wine cooler - made with passion fruit!"

Her story - and her sound-effects dramatization of it - clear the bar out in a flash, but she saves the best laugh for last - when she informs us how many sisters she has, the bartender's reaction is priceless.

A daring ad - because the last person you normally want to sell an alcoholic beverage is an unhinged woman who may have had a few too many of your wine coolers.  

See the commercial for yourself! :-D

If the Internet had been available for civilian use in the eighties, the "Who's That Hot Ad Girl?" site might have been around to identify this comely comedic actress, but her name has long since been lost to history. Or maybe not.  If anyone can identify this actress by name, after having seen this commercial, please let me know in a comment on this blog entry.  :-)  

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