
Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Beauty of Retrospect, Swimsuit Edition: Carol Alt and Kathy Davis

I have a two-fer this Thursday!

Today, as we brave the cold and eagerly await warmer weather, I present two classic beauties I have featured before on this blog, both in poolside attire.  Above is the legendary Queens brunette Carol Alt; below is California girl Kathy Davis, whose sensational swimsuit poses you know from my previous post of her. 

These suits are obviously much more elegant, and the pictures themselves are much more artistic, than you'd find in an annual edition of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue these days, a special edition that has gotten cheesier and cheesier since the 1980s, but then, I strive to be much classier here. :-)    

Full disclosure requires me to state that, while I don't know Ms. Alt, I do know Ms. Davis.   

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