
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Changes To This Blog

As of today, I've made a few changes to this blog regarding links and criteria.  The links changes are easy to explain.  It has come to my attention that Eva Voorhees, a fashion model who kept a site of her own and "Supermodel Icons," a site devoted to some of fashion's most famous models, no longer has these sites up on the Web.  So the links to them have been taken down.  I don't know why Ms. Voorhees retired them. but should they re-appear on the Web, I'll restore them. 

Also, I changed the minimum age for subjects on this blog.  It has come to my attention that some people may be uncomfortable with eighteen years as the minimum age of women who are chosen for this blog, and even though eighteen years of age is the age at which legal adulthood is conferred, I've  concluded that that's too young. So I've raised it to twenty.  Twenty years of age seems to be a more appropriate threshold. 

Back tomorrow, with a whole month of retrospectives ahead.


  1. With all due respect, why do you need an age-limit of any kind, let alone to raise it to twenty? Why can't you celebrate the beauty of women of all ages? Some people may indeed be "uncomfortable" with celebrating the beauty of eighteen and nineteen-year-olds (to say nothing of those under that age) -- but some people are anal imbeciles. Aesthetic appreciation of beauty is not necessarily sexual, for one thing, and even if it is -- are we supposed to pretend that people under twenty or eighteen are asexual?

  2. Points well taken, and while I don't agree entirely, I am going back to the 18-year-old limit.
