
Sunday, October 13, 2013

CNBC newswoman Jane Wells

Jane Wells - who was inspired by the success of Barbara Walters to get into broadcast journalism - has worked at CNBC covering the markets since 1996.

Before that, though, she had accumulated a list that of TV stations she'd worked for that could fill a whole page of her résumé.

Jane Wells worked at KTLA-TV in Los Angeles, where she stated out as a writer, then worked at KTTV-TV in Los Angeles, WTVJ-TV in Miami; and KOB-TV in Albuquerque.  

She played herself in the series finale of "Seinfeld" in 1998, covering the "Good Samaritan" trial in which Jerry and his friends were found guilty by a jury and sentenced to prison by Judge Arthur VanDeLay. :-D But Ms. Wells has done some serious stories as well.  While covering a story of gangs terrorizing people in an inner-city Los Angeles housing project for KTTV-TV in 1989, a gun-toting gang member threatened her and her cameraman.

Ms. Wells has won obviously well-deserved awards for her reporting.   

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