
Sunday, July 7, 2013

One Major Overhaul and Three New Links

I just finished what turned out to be a monumental revamping of this blog.  

As some of you may know, I started using justified margins on my text in December 2009, and I hoped to eventually add them to the entries posted before then.  I finally got around to doing it, but, as Han Solo might say, I got more than I'd bargained for on that trip.  I also ended up fixing many typos, stylistic inconsistencies,  and a factual error or two that, despite my pursuit of perfection, somehow managed to slip through the cracks.  I continued to find typographical errors when I checked all the posts from December 2009 on, and while there weren't as many among the more recent posts owing to Google Chrome's spell-checker (I used to use Internet Explorer 8 as my primary browser) being more reliable than the one on (ironically, Google owns, some of them were as recent as last month (June 2013).  When I wasn't transposing letters or misplacing words, I somehow managed to give Janet Evans a second silver medal for Olympic swimming (she only won one silver medal) and change Adrien Brody's sexual orientation.  WHAT???  That latter mistake was the result of a pronoun missing a letter in my post celebrating Spanish actress Elsa Pataky, in which I said, and I quote: "She dated American actor Adrien Brody in the mid-two thousand zeroes, and he married Australian actor Chris Hemsworth in 2010."  Oops! It was supposed to read, "She dated American actor Adrien Brody in the mid-two thousand zeroes, and she married Australian actor Chris Hemsworth in 2010." The original error, of course, has since been fixed.

Needless to say, I'm pretty embarrassed by all this.  I try to present the best blog on this subject that I can, but even when I dot all my "I"s and cross all my "T"s, some errors still get by me.  I'm obviously too close to my writing, and I need someone else to copyedit this blog.  I don't have anyone else, though; it's only me.

Oh yeah, I also couldn't help but notice how many times I've said the same thing about different women, such as young actresses; I have repeatedly referred to young actresses as women who were "making waves."  I've used that expression so much that I must have made people seasick.  So I think I'll retire that phrase, starting now.

This blog has evolved greatly since I started it in September 2006, thanks to's stylistic changes and the greater sophistication of its added features (additional pages, et al.).  But as more people have found it, it's taken on a life of its own.  Some fashion models have discovered it, leading me to establishing friendships with them on social media.  I've also identified models from iconic ads as a result.  Before this all happened, I could never have named the model in this shampoo ad from the seventies; I now know that her name is Kathy Davis.  More importantly, I now know about Kathy Davis.  In fact, I now just plain know Kathy Davis; in the interest of full disclosure, she's now one of my Facebook friends. So I take this blog more seriously than I've ever done before. 

I've made numerous changes on this blog along the way,  and I've put a lot into making it what it is today.  So while this blog is only a hobby, not a professional site, I strive to make it as close to professional as possible.  Because "amateur" shouldn't  mean "novice." 

In the spirit of constant improvement, I've added links to three Web sites from models who have since become artists to the list of links in the upper right hand corner of the home page.  The women are painter Wanakee Pugh, fine artist Claudia Cron, and - this last one is long overdue - photographer Louise Vyent.  Links to their sites have appeared on blog entries paying tribute to them, but now you'll be able to go to their sites without having to search for those entries. 

I have taken great pains to improve this blog, and I will continue to do so.  (The typos should be all gone.)  But enough of my banter; I ought to continue on with another post, which I will do come Tuesday.   Thanks to my followers for sticking with me.

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