
Sunday, March 24, 2013

TV reporter Weijia Jiang

Like most TV reporters, Weijia Jiang has moved from one local TV station to another. She did so before getting the plum job all TV news reporters secretly yearn for: a job in New York.

She was the Washington correspondent for WBRE-TV in Scranton, Pennsylvania and a reporter, substitute anchor, and substitute producer at WBOC-TV in Salisbury, Maryland before going to WJZ-TV, CBS's affiliate in Baltimore.  She left to join the local news deaprtment of CBS's New York station, WCBS-TV, where she has been since June 2012.

But here are a few facts about Weijia Jiang that may interest you. Not only did she and her family emigrate from China when she was a little girl, they originally settled in West Virginia. She's also a graduate of the College of William and Mary, where she studied philosophy and chemistry. So she certainly brings a unique perspective as a reporter for WCBS-TV.

1 comment:

  1. Victor458:26 AM

    Keep on moving forward. You could have your own show
